Leadership Toolkit

The Leadership Toolkit is a series of courses designed for new and seasoned team leads, supervisors, and managers to improve leadership skills. Key topics include the leadership role, effective communication, conflict resolution, time management, and more.

No courses are available at this time.


Leadership Toolkit: Essentials

Course Topics

  • DISC: A personality profile assessment that enables us to identify our own personality style, and those of others, to enhance our understanding of others, improve our communication, and increase our success.
  • Leadership 101: An introduction to the fundamental skills all leaders must possess. Topics include leading vs. managing, building trust, communicating the vision, promoting teamwork, and leading in crisis.
  • Communication Skills for the Emerging Leader: An in-depth look at the components of communication including identifying our filters; effective listening; generational, race, and cultural differences; and improving digital communication.
  • The Art of Successful Coaching: A thorough look into the skills successful coaches possess. The class walks us through a step-by-step process for developing our direct reports for improved results.
  • Negotiating through Conflict: An interactive class that looks at the reasons, costs, and benefits conflicts have in business, and discussions on productive strategies to work through conflict to achieve our goals.
  • Time Management: Learn ways to invest our time rather than spending our time. Instruction focuses on identifying where we spend our time, eliminating distractions, and focusing our energy on the things that are important.


Books are required and cost about $88 plus tax at the Jamestown Campus Bookstore, B&I Building, Room 150/172 at 7908 Leabourne Road in Colfax.

Leadership Toolkit Too: The Next Step

Course Topics

  • Emotional Intelligence: Practice techniques to achieve greater self-awareness, self-control, and self-motivation to understand how emotional intelligence can be applied at the workplace to enhance employee relationships and increase productivity.
  • Behavioral Interviewing: Learn techniques to conduct interviews to find the right people for our organization to reduce turnover and increase profitability.
  • Stress Management: Recognize the stress cycle when it occurs to develop mental strategies to combat stress. Develop physical strategies to combat stress to rise above stress with a “no regrets” attitude.
  • Delegating for Success: Recognize delegation as a tool for employee growth and prepare yourself to delegate effectively by assessing your employees to determine their delegation needs and match employees and projects appropriately.
  • Leading through Change: Define what change looks and feels like and identify reactions to change to see how it will affect people in your organization. You will recognize change resistance and explore sources of resistance to align systems and structures to the change.
  • Team Building: Learn to establish well-defined goals and clear priorities and designate clear roles and duties to allow team goals to override individual goals. Look at ways to minimize unproductive competition and work collaboratively by practicing open and frequent communication to build trust and morale within the team.

A new course will be offered soon.

Cost: $78

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Awareness of leadership style preferences in self and others, and learn how to adjust style toward building effective working relationships
  • Learn and practice communication techniques to effectively deliver and receive verbal and written messages
  • Improve skills in coaching others, including peers
  • Learn problem solving and communication tools to de-escalate or resolve conflicts
  • Discover time management techniques to increase personal productivity and reduce stress

Team leads, production supervisors, new or seasoned managers should take this course.

Registration fee is $78.

Required handbook available from the for about $88. Purchase online or pick up at the , or visit the bookstore during regular hours. Please call 336-334-4822, ext. 64004, during regular hours to confirm handbook availability.

Bookstore regular hours: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-5:30 p.m. Tuesday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday

This course is taught on the Donald W. Cameron Campus, 7908 Leabourne Road, Colfax, NC, 27235.