Career Success for Job Seekers (HRD)

Enhance your resume, market yourself, and explore a new career. Human Resources Development (HRD) courses provide employability skills training and assistance for adults who are trying to find employment, transitioning back into the workforce, or working to redefine their professional niche in today's global market.

Fee Waiver Eligibility. All HRD courses are fee-waived for qualifying individuals who are unemployed, who are "underemployed," or who have received notice of layoff or pending layoff. See the FAQ below for more information.

Career Readiness (Online offerings)

  • Working Smart: Focus on self-awareness, self-management, work ethics, communication skills and problem-solving. 
  • Employability Skills: Develop skills for job searching, building resumes, cover letters, interviewing, social media, and networking.
  • Human Services Exploration: DSS NCFAST Income Maintenance Case Worker: Phase 1 of a 2-part training program prepares you to earn the certificate which is a preferred qualification for the DSS income maintenance caseworker jobs in NC. 
  • NCRC National Career Readiness Certificate WorkKeys Prep: Assess your current skill levels and develop personalized training to prepare for NCRC testing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Individuals in transition
  • Dislocated workers
  • Unemployed individuals
  • Unemployment Insurance claimants
  • WIOA eligible
  • Anyone interested in self-improvement

  • Employability Skills
    • Job Search
    • Resumes
    • Cover Letters
    • Interviewing
    • Social Media
    • Money Smart
  • Working Smart
    • Self-Awareness
    • Self-Management
    • Work Ethics
    • Communication Skills
    • Problem Solving Skills
  • Human Services Exploration: DSS Caseworker
    • Explore a career as an Income Maintenance Caseworker at the Division of Social Services (DSS)
    • Phase 1 of a two-part training program which leads to the NCFast Class Certificate which a preferred job qualification
  • NCRC National Career Readiness Certificate WorkKeys Prep
    • Assess your current skill levels and develop personalized training to prepare for NCRC testing. 

National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Overview

The National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) helps to ensure a community workforce who is prepared for current and future jobs that sustain our economic base.  The National Career Readiness Certification is a portable, recognizable skills credential that proves to employers that you possess the foundational skills relevant to specific jobs. The NCRC supports job placement, retention, and advancement. You can earn a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum NCRC, depending on your scores.

The basis for the NCRC is a series of work-based assessments called WorkKeys®. WorkKeys® is a job skills assessment system measuring “real world” skills that employers deem critical to job success. These skills are valuable for any occupation and at any level of education.  The test results provide valuable information for individuals, employers, schools, colleges, state and local governments, and training programs.

These three ACT WorkKeys® assessments are the basis of the National Career Readiness Certificate:

  • Applied Math: Builds the ability to apply mathematic principles to problems encountered in the workplace
  • Graphic Literacy: Builds the ability to find, analyze and apply information presented in workplace graphics
  • Workplace Documents: Builds the ability to understand and apply written information presented in the workplace

NCRC Preparation Classes at GTCC

To help you earn your NCRC or improve your scores, GTCC offers training in an online environment. In this course, you will have access to WIN Career Readiness 2.0 to assess your current skills, develop a personalized training plan, and hone your skills. A tuition fee waiver for this lab may be available for unemployed or underemployed individuals. Please contact us to get started on the process of preparing for your NCRC.


All HRD courses are fee-waived for qualifying individuals.

The fee for any HRD class will be waived if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • Unemployed
  • Received notification of pending layoff
  • Working and eligible for Federal Earned Income Tax Credit
  • Working and earning wages at or below two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty guidelines

Federal Earned Income Tax Credit Information

Federal Poverty Guidelines
Household/Family Size 200% of 2021 Annual
1 $ 25,760
2 $ 34,840
3 $ 43,920
4 $ 53,000
5 $ 62,080

Still need assistance?

If you would like to speak with someone to learn more about HRD classes or still have questions concerning your fee-waiver eligibility, please call 336-334-4822 or 336-454-1126:


Jennifer Smith
336-334-4822 Ext. 55057

HRD Online Self-Paced Courses

Email Jennifer Smith at to be added to our interest list for updates.

*Internet access is required for each course. The instructor will provide guidance, materials, resources, lectures, tests, and assignments that you can work on at your own pace and convenience within the 4-week window. Each course represents 24 hours of instruction, equating to 2.4 CEUs (continuing education units).

Online Self-Paced Course Series* Course Description
  • What are my career interest?
  • Which careers do I want to explore?
  • What are my career goals?
  • Who's doing what I want to do?
  • What are my plans to achieve my career goals?
  • How do I start my career?
  • How do I put my plan into action?
  • Transferable Skills
  • Resumes
  • Cover Letters
  • Social Media & Personal Branding
  • Job Search
  • Networking
  • Applications
  • Interviews
Soft Skills for
Workplace Success
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Work Ethics
  • Communication Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
NCRC Workkeys Prep Prepare to earn your ACT National Career Readiness Certificate by practicing:
  • Applied Math
  • Graphic Literacy
  • Workplace Documents

HRD Courses: Anyone who is unemployed, underemployed or has received a pending layoff qualifies for a fee waiver and therefore may not need to pay for the course tuition. Otherwise, the length of the course determines the price.

HRD Textbooks: There is no cost for course textbooks. Books are provided.

NCRC Preparation Class: Anyone who is unemployed, underemployed, or has received a pending layoff qualifies for a fee waiver and, therefore, may not need to pay for the course tuition.

NCRC WorkKeys Tests

The NCRC testing fee is $30.00. This fee covers the Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents WorkKeys assessments as well as access to print your Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level certificate.

You will complete an HRD registration in class at the beginning of the first day of the course (unless otherwise noted). HRD students must be in good standing with GTCC. Anyone who has an outstanding debt with the College or who has been suspended/expelled from any program area may not attend the class.

GTCC is authorized to award continuing education units (CEU) for the successful completion of noncredit Occupational Extension/Continuing Education courses. One CEU is defined as “10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education program under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.” The number of CEUs GTCC awards for a course is on the Continuing Education transcript (and on the certificate of completion, if the course is more than twelve contact hours). The CEU is widely accepted as a recognized standard of professional development.