Welcome to GTCC!

We are committed to helping the people, communities, and businesses of Guilford County find opportunities to learn and grow. To support students enrolling in short-term, credentialed training, GTCC's Division of Workforce and Continuing Education offers scholarships to assist with the cost of course registration and required textbooks and supplies. Some programs also provide additional funds to support expenses, such as certification exam fees.

Before beginning your application, please review the following:

  • Applicants will only be considered if they are registered or willing to register for an approved course.
  • Applicants are REQUIRED to complete the NC Residential Determination Service (RDS) review. It is with regret DACA students and non-residents do not qualify for this program. Download information to help in completing the form.
  • Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the course you wish to attend begins.


GTCC offers a variety of scholarship opportunities. Complete the Workforce Continuing Education scholarship application and let GTCC help you find the best scholarship opportunity for you.

You will be required to enter your Residency Confirmation Number (RCN) to complete the scholarship application.

Please note that you may be asked to provide additional information.

Questions? Contact MaryAlice LaDue.


Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund II

Under the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER Fund), the U.S. Department of Education awards grants to governors to provide local educational agencies (LEAs), institutions of higher education (IHEs), and other education-related entities with emergency assistance due to COVID-19. From this grant, the governor of North Carolina established the Workforce Resilience Grant (GEER II) for eligible community college students. At a minimum, eligible students applying for this scholarship must:

  • Be able to attest they are a resident of North Carolina, employed in North Carolina, or intend to be employed in North Carolina, and
  • Be enrolling in Workforce Continuing Education (WCE) pathways/courses leading to a North Carolina workforce credential identified as either essential or career level. These pathways may consist of a single WCE course or a series of courses. .

Golden Leaf Foundation Continuing Education Fund

The Golden LEAF Foundation makes scholarships available to students from qualifying counties who demonstrate financial need to help them attend college at participating North Carolina community colleges. Golden LEAF's goal is for scholarship recipients to gain the talent, knowledge, and skills needed to help their communities thrive.

State Employee Credit Union Bridge to Career Program

State Employee Credit Union (SECU) Foundation grants are used to fund scholarships for individuals either currently enrolled or enrolling in up to two courses necessary to obtain a credential listed on the at either the essential or career level.  Courses eligible for scholarships are listed in the dropdown box on the application.

Short-Term Workforce Development Scholarship Program

The Short-Term Workforce Development (STWD) Grant Program, established by the N.C. General Legislature, is a state-funded financial aid program for eligible Workforce Continuing Education (WCE) students pursuing high-demand, family-sustaining wage credentials identified as at either the essential or career level. Courses eligible for scholarships are listed in the dropdown box on the application.

Workforce Continuing Education Grant Fund

These funds are used to support any gaps in equipment, supplies, or tuition for courses not covered by the previous two scholarship sources above. Allocations of these funds are vetted by Titan Link.

Metallica Scholars Initiative Scholarship

(AWMH) foundation is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization created by the members and management of Metallica and is dedicated to creating sustainable communities by supporting workforce education, the fight against hunger, and other critical local services. AWMH funds the Metallica Scholars Initiative to provide direct support to those pursuing a technical education degree at various community colleges across the country, including GTCC.

Additional Assistance

GTCC understands that sometimes things happen that can cause students to drop out of their training programs. In addition to scholarship opportunities, we provide two additional programs that can help keep you on your path to success.

Titan Link

TitanLink can connect you to college and local resources to help you stay focused on your career goals. Email titanlink@gtcc.edu.

More Than A Job NC (Formerly Food Nutrition Services Employment and Training)

More Than A Job NC (formerly The Food Nutrition Services Employment and Training (FNS E&T) Program) provides access to short-term training, advising, and employment services for SNAP/EBT recipients. Email dycarter@gtcc.edu.