Transportation and Parking

It is important that all students, staff, and faculty follow proper procedures when driving and parking on campus. Please read and become familiar with the following rules and regulations.

For information about where to park on any of our campuses, please see our Campus Locations page for campus maps.

If you need information on parking decals, please see our Campus Safety and Police page for Campus Police contact information.

Transportation to-from Campus

An easy way to navigate the transit system to GTCC campuses is with the (GTA) and the (HiTran).

  • lets you know what the best route is for getting to your destination and tells you when the next bus will be departing.
  • On the , you can track bus routes and see where buses are. You can also plan your trip using the Google Transit widget.
  • Are you coming from other places in the Triad? Check out from the Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART).
  • If you're putting lots of miles on your car every day, consider to find carpool partners.
  • For additional help with transportation issues, such as bus passes and the Transportation Assistance Program (TAP), please visit Titan Link.

More information

Click to view more information about:

On-Campus Traffic Regulations

  • All people operating vehicles on GTCC property must meet the same standards for licensing and insurance as required by N.C. Law.
  • All North Carolina Motor Vehicle Laws apply.
  • North Carolina General Statutes prohibit the possession of alcohol, drugs, and weapons on campus.
  • Parking regulations are subject to enforcement 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • All areas not specifically designated for parking are considered “No Parking” zones.
  • Lack of convenient space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of a regulation.
  • Faculty, staff, and students are not visitors. They are in violation when parked in visitor spaces.
  • The speed limit on all GTCC campuses is 20 MPH and is strictly enforced by radar.

GTCC’s Traffic/Parking Policy and Procedures are in effect at all times. Students may park in any parking spaces except those specifically reserved for special use, i.e. faculty/staff, college-owned vehicles, cosmetology patrons, visitors, reserved, etc. Vehicles are required to display a current GTCC parking permit (faculty, staff, student, special, etc.) when parking in any space at any GTCC campus.

GTCC enforces traffic regulations for the safety and benefit of its employees, students, and visitors in accordance with state law. Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in prescribed penalties.

Parking regulations are in effect at all times.

Parking spaces and lots are clearly marked, and it is everyone’s responsibility to find a legal parking space.

This policy applies to all employees, students, and visitors to the GTCC campuses.

Visitor parking is not authorized for faculty, staff, or student parking for any reason.

Parking spaces are not reserved on GTCC campus locations, except for faculty, staff, visitors, cosmetology patrons, dental patrons, and the physically disabled.

For information about where to park on any of our campuses, please see our Campus Locations page for campus maps.

Handicap parking is strictly enforced and limited to people who have been issued a handicap placard by the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles. The placard must be displayed when the vehicle is parked in a handicap space. The placard can only be used by the person it is assigned to and anyone in the car with that person. Misuse of a handicap placard can result in a state citation with a fine of $250 plus confiscation of the placard.

To assist faculty, staff, and students, the following guidelines must be followed so that you may park as close as possible to your office, classrooms, lab, etc. to load and/or unload:

  1. On a 3-by-5-inch white card, write “Loading” on one side and “Unloading” on the other. 
  2. Print your name, office location, and office phone extension on both sides.
  3. Park near the entrance of the building.

Your vehicle will be marked, and you will have 30 MINUTES (unless posted otherwise) to load and/or unload. Then you MUST MOVE YOUR VEHICLE or a citation will be issued.

GTCC’s Campus Police Officers will provide or summon assistance for people who have problems with their vehicles. If you need a battery boost, help with unlocking a car with keys inside, or other aid, call campus police. Campus police are not allowed to change tires or give you a ride because of insurance reasons. If your vehicle is in a repair shop, and you have to drive another vehicle, be sure to park it in a student space.

Parking violations, which normally result in citations, may cause the vehicle to be towed if the violation affects the safe conduct of traffic at any GTCC campus.

Parking Permit Types

Board of Trustees and Foundation Board of Directors Permit: Issued by the President’s Office to all trustees and foundation directors.

Employee Permit: Issued to all GTCC employees by the Human Resources Department.

Student Permit: Issued to students at all GTCC campus locations.

  • High Point and Greensboro campus permits are available in the registration line each term.
  • Jamestown campus permits are available at Campus Police.

Visitor Permit: Visitor permits are issued at the Campus Police office and the Cosmetology, Dental, and Testing offices.

Handicapped Parking: State-issued handicapped license plates or placards are honored.

Special Permit Reserved Parking: Issued by the administration for those persons with temporary parking needs.

Parking Permit Fees: GTCC curriculum students will be required to pay a prorated parking fee each term.

  • Extension students pay an annual fee.
  • Faculty and staff receive their parking permit decals from the GTCC Personnel Office at no charge.


  • Unauthorized parking in a “Handicapped Only” space (Officers at their discretion may issue a state citation which has a maximum fine of $250 and is not appealable through GTCC procedures.)
  • Blocking an entrance to a parking lot
  • Blocking a lane of traffic
  • Parking in any other area posted “No Parking Anytime”
  • Not displaying a special cosmetology parking permit
  • Blocking a building entrance or dumpster
  • Unattended vehicle in a loading zone
  • Occupying more than one parking space
  • Obstructing a sidewalk or walkway
  • Not displaying a GTCC parking permit decal
  • Improper placement of a GTCC parking permit decal
  • Parking on the grass
  • Parking in a posted faculty/staff space without the proper decal
  • Parking in the wrong direction in a “One Way” posted zone
  • Parking in a reserved parking lot and/or space
  • Protruding into a lane of travel
  • Parking on the shoulder of the road
  • Overparking in a posted time zone


All parking fines are $25.

After a second offense in the same semester, your vehicle can be impounded and towed.

All payment of parking or traffic fines may be mailed to:

P.O. Box 309
Drawer R
Jamestown, NC 27282

Payment may also be made in person at the Cashier Office locations:

Jamestown Campus: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday in Room 270 in Medlin Campus Center (MCC)

Greensboro Campus: 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m.-noon Friday in the Bookstore and Continuing Education Center (CEC)

High Point Campus: 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m.-noon Friday in the Bookstore in H1 Building

YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR COPY OF THE CITATION(S) WITH PAYMENT. This is to ensure that proper clearance is given to your specific citation(s).

Unpaid Citation Fines: Students accumulating unpaid citation fines will have grades and transcripts withheld and will not be permitted to register for future terms until the debt is satisfied. Faculty and staff members accumulating unpaid citation fines will be subject to the procedures in the GTCC Management Manual, Section I-1.040 (parking).


  • Unauthorized parking in a “Handicapped Only” space
  • Parking in a handicap space without a valid placard
  • Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
  • Unattended vehicle in a loading zone
  • Parking in a designated tow zone
  • Other violations that affect the safe conduct of traffic at GTCC

NOTE: The vehicle operator must not interfere once a car has been impounded by police and is being towed. Any interference could lead to arrest.

Those wishing to appeal a citation may do so in writing to the GTCC Traffic Appeals Committee. Special forms to be used in the appeals are available from the Jamestown campus Human Resources Office. At all other campuses, this form is available from the main office. The person appealing a citation must submit the form. The appeal form should be returned to the location where you picked it up within three school days of receipt of the citation. YOU MUST ATTACH YOUR COPY OF CITATION(S) TO YOUR APPEAL. Once the appeals committee has considered your appeal, you will be notified of the committee’s decision.

Those who wish to appeal a vehicle impoundment and towing will receive a written notification of the appeal process. All appeals for impoundment and towing will be heard by a Guilford County magistrate, reference NC G.S. 20.201.11.