eduroam @ GTCC

eduroam (education roaming) is a secure worldwide federated network access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows GTCC faculty, staff, and students to use their GTCC user name and password to access wireless network services when visiting participating institutions. In addition, it enables GTCC to serve as a hotspot for eduroam members visiting our campus. Ready to try Eduroam? Install it.

Where is eduroam?

eduroam is covered throughout the majority of wireless locations on the GTCC campus, in addition to locations across the United States (see ) and Internationally (see ). You can also read more specific information about . NOTE: There is an eduroam Companion app for and to help you discover eduroam hotspots using your GPS.

Benefits of eduroam

  • As an educational member, enjoy roaming wireless access across a global network of universities!
  • Get immediate wireless access with a credential you already know!
  • Enjoy increased bandwidth and less restrictions often afforded to authenticated connections such as eduroam!
  • Network access through secure 802.1x EAP protocol... no open, unsecure guest networks!

Eduroam Acceptable Use

Eduroam is provided for º£½ÇÂÒÂ× students to support their educational needs and for GTCC faculty and staff to support their professional activities. All GTCC users are responsible for using eduroam in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner. Access is a privilege, not a right, and as such, can be withdrawn from those who use it irresponsibly.
  • Purpose - All GTCC users are responsible for their internet activity and will use the internet in a judicious and ethical manner. The use of technology shall be consistent with local, state, and federal laws and in accordance with GTCC policies and procedures.
  • Use - The internet and technology resources are to be used for business and educational purposes fostering a positive educational and working environment.
    • Acceptable uses include, but are not limited to:
      • Official college business
      • Instructional and student research
      • Independent study
      • Professional development
      • Service representing the college or community
      • Reasonable non-commercial personal use
    • Unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to:
      • Any purpose which is illegal, immoral, unethical, intentionally dishonest, purposefully hurtful, inconsistent with the college mission.
      • Harassment, libel, slander, cyberbullying behavior
      • Fraudulent or intentional misleading statements
      • Undermining computer, network or technology security settings
      • Unauthorized access to GTCC technology systems
      • Using another users login credentials, using password cracking programs, packet sniffers, port scanners or similar.
      • Using college technology for personal, private or commercial business purposes not part of official college business.
      • Violation of software and maintenance license agreements
      • Downloading unlicensed material or violating copyright limitations of information.
      • Viewing, sending, posting, downloading, or intentionally accessing pornographic, sexually explicit, offensive material, or material that does not support the values of employee and student good behavior.
  • Confidentiality - GTCC has a monitored technology infrastructure. Internet activity, electronic mail, computer logs and computer files are monitored. All network, computing, and communications activities are subject to e-discovery and forensic investigation purposes. The college cannot guarantee the un-monitored privacy of electronic communications.
  • Privacy - Computer files, electronic mail and accounts on college networks are not the private property of the user, and the user has no reasonable expectation of privacy. The college President, vice presidents, or the Chief Information Officer or designee may monitor use:
    • To protect the integrity, security or functionality of the network or other computing resources
    • To protect the college from liability
    • When there is reasonable cause to believe that the user has violated this Internet Acceptable Use policy
    • When there appears to be unusual or unusually excessive activity as indicated by monitoring general usage patterns
    • When requested by supervisors or the Director of Human Resources
    • When required by law